Avenel Railyard Carpark
Avenel Active is campaigning for a safe footpath between Avenel Railway Station, Saleyard Road and Bank Street and upgrade of the Avenel Railyard Carpark to provide safe and accessible off-street car parking for Avenel Railway Station and town centre businesses.

Avenel residents have called for many years for upgrade of the carpark, to provide safe and accessible off-street parking for Avenel Railway Station and town centre businesses, and a safe footpath between the station, Saleyard Road and Bank Street.
Let us know how the condition of the Avenel Railyard Carpark and the lack of a safe footpath affects you and the improvements you would like to see.
Follow the link below to complete the survey:
The Avenel Railyard Carpark is at the heart of Avenel town centre and is currently used as informal parking for Avenel Railway Station and town centre businesses.
However, the carpark is not formed. The surface is mainly track ballast and other large gauge blue metal which is often potholed. There is sealed parking for only five cars, but no level access from the station to those parking spaces and no disabled parking.
There is no other off-street parking or disabled parking in the town centre. The only parking near town centre businesses is on-street parking in a 60 km/hr zone.
There is also no safe footpath or separation between Avenel Railway Station and Bank Street, the main road through Avenel. Pedestrians must walk through the aggregate and potholes next to the 60 km/hr road.
Most of the railyard is owned by the Victorian Government and managed on their behalf by VicTrack, with a small area being the responsibility of Strathbogie Shire Council.
In 2022 Avenel Active successfully advocated for Strathbogie Shire Council to plan a landscaped car park and footpath, to improve community safety, support local businesses and improve the attractiveness of Avenel town centre.
Unfortunately project funding was redirected to flood recovery following the October 2022 floods and preliminary designs were not progressed to community consultation.
For the past two years Council has committed in the Council Plan to clarify land arrangements with VicTrack, to seek funding to upgrade the area, and to work with the Department of Transport and Planning to address community safety concerns about the lack of footpath.
In 2022-23 Council did apply to VicTrack for long-term lease of the land. We understand VicTrack made an initial offer in early 2024 to lease the land to Council, but in recent meetings with Council we were told no work is being done to assess VicTrack’s proposal or to progress the Council Plan commitments due to lack of staff.
Progress has been too slow. Avenel Active is calling on the Victorian Government and Strathbogie Shire Council to work together to provide a better connected and safer town centre for Avenel residents, visitors and businesses.